Saturday, April 9, 2016

Dell Venue 8 Pro - Running Thread

For the : Venue 5830 Pro

* tested Win10 but very buggy, many times the tablet did not recover from sleep. Other problems were general slowness due to overhead of Windows. Also, did not appreciate the mandatory system defender stuff where microsoft is trying to collect data from computer or "virus scan" my stuff, draining battery and wear/tear the silicon
* when rolling back to 8.1, first thing is to fix the adaptive brightness setting. Go to "power and sleep" settings immediately.
* set up pin login because typing on tablet is super not fun, at least for old people like me who need physical keyboards to be at optimal efficiency

Thursday, March 17, 2016

VIMRC to launch tortoisegit


63 "leader tortoisegit
64 :nnoremap <leader>g :!start cmd /c "C:\"Program Files"\TortoiseGit\bin\TortoiseGitProc.exe /command:commit %:p"<cr>

Thursday, January 28, 2016

SVN Compilation

I found this handy guide on managing your own SVN server for getting out of pickles like uploading a video into your SVN repository: how to roll back a revision with svnadmin. To summarize:
* svnadmin dump tmp
* svnadmin create /path/to/new
* svnadmin load /path/to/new < tmp

It worked perfectly (though I only had 14 revisions).

Will be transitioning to git shortly, once I can figure out how to emulate SVN behavior (file based, instead of repository based). Or maybe find a compromise between the two systems, but it doesn't seem very promising.

This person uploaded a very handy method of transitioning the repository from SVN to git using TortoiseGit. It was exactly what I needed and very reproduceable. To summarize:
* TortoiseGit clone svn://IP_LOC
** disable SVN sub-options
* create bare git repo
* add bare git repo as "remote push"
* push TortoiseGit's previously exported SVN repository